Dr. Nagarajaram (born, 1964) returned from Cambridge, UK, in 2000 to join CDFD
and established the Laboratory of Computational Biology. During 2001-06 he also held the
additional responsibility of heading the Bioinformatics Facility at CDFD and the Chair of EMBNet India
node manager. During this period he contributed to the establishment of SUN-Centre for Medical
Bioinformatics at CDFD. In addition, he also served as a guest faculty at the Department of
Agricultural Biotechnology, ANGRAU, Hyderabad; at the School of Life Sciences,
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad and at Osmania University, Hyderabad where he taught courses
in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. In 2002 he was elected as the member of The National
Academy of Sciences, Allahabad. During 2006-10 he also served as the elected member of the Executive
Committee of the ASEA-PACIFIC Bioinformatics Network (APBioNet). Since 2009 he has been holding the
additional responsibility of looking after the Bioinformatics Facility of CDFD.
His research interests mainly focus proteins with regard to their structures, mutations, functions and interactions. He has also been interested in simple sequence repeats in prokaryotic genomes.