Sno | Tender no | Description | Due Date | Award Details | Action |
1 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND22539 (Extended Tender) | Supply of “High quality long read- Hifi , sequencing of plant samples - 50 -55 GB p data, Qty-1 No.” |
21-03-2025 at 3.30 PM | under Process | Dowload |
2 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND22690 | Supply of “Ultra-long Read Nanopore Sequencing of 4 Plant Samples [40-45 GB], Qty-1 No.” |
01-04-2025 at 3.30 PM | Under Process | Dowload |
3 | CDFD/PUR/GTE/2024-25/IND22461 | Supply and Installation of “High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC)” Qty - 1 No |
08-04-2025 at 3.30 P.M | Under Process | Dowload |
4 | CDFD/PUR/GTE/2024-25/IND22463 | Supply and Installation of “Digital Polymerase chain reaction Instrument” Qty - 1 No |
08-04-2025 at 3.30 P.M | Under Process | Dowload |
5 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND22480 | Supply of “High Capacity Server for Bio Informatics Analysis of Next Generation Date”, Qty-1 No. |
21-3-2025 at 3:30 PM | Under Process | Dowload |
6 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND22539 | Supply of “High quality long read- Hifi , sequencing of plant samples - 50 -55GB p data, Qty-1 No.” |
13-03-2025 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
7 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND22136 | Supply of “Microscopy Image Processing Analysis Software with Detection Unit, Qty-1 No.” |
21-02-2025 at 3.30 PM | under process | Dowload |
8 | CDFD/ENGG/ELECT & HVAC/WORKS/2025-26/05 | Sitc of 300tr chiller, chilled water ring main, chilled water connectivity from main lab building chiller plant to eaf facility and its associated materials and works at cdfd campus, site ‘a’uppal, hyderabad. Pre-Bid Meeting Date on 27.02.2025 @ 11:00 AM |
06.03.2025 at 3:00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
9 | Tender Notice No: CDFD/ENGG/ELECT & HVAC/WORKS/2025-26/0 | Retrofit works for relocation of lt substation switchgear including cables etc, site of substation panels and its associated material & works at cdfd campus, site ‘a’ uppal, hyderabad. Pre-Bid Meeting Date on 27.02.2025 @ 11:00 AM |
05.03.2025 at 3:00 PM | under process | Dowload |
10 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND22136 | Supply of “Microscopy Image Processing Analysis Software with Detection Unit, Qty-1 No.” |
11.02.2025 at 3:30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
11 | GEM/2024/B/5755532 dated 27-12-2024 | Horticulture AMC at Hostel-cum-Residential Campus |
17-01-2025 at 12:00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
12 | GEM/2024/B/5752742 dated 26-12-2024 | Horticulture AMC at Laboratory Campus |
16-01-2025 at 4:00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
13 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND21749 | “Fire Exit Door Panic Bar with Installation”, Qty-50 Nos.” |
09-01-2025 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
14 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND21538, 21558 & 2157 | Supply of “Refrigerated Table Top Centrifuge, Qty-3 Nos.” |
01-01-2025 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
15 | CDFD/PUR/GTE/2024-25/MED/RC/IND-21690 | Supply of “Medicines for Rare Genetic Diseases under the National Rare Disease Policy of Government of India”.
09-01-2025 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
16 | CDFD/ENGG/CIVIL/WORKS/2024-25/33 | Design and Construction of Tensile Membrane Fabric Shed with MS Tubular Structure at Terrace of B-Wing in CDFD Laboratory Campus, Uppal, Hyderabad |
01-01-2025. at 3.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
17 | CDFD/PUR/GTE/2024-25/IND21687 (Tender Extension) | Supply and Installation of “Inverted Trinocular Epifluorescence Microscope with Imaging Capability, Qty - 1 No. |
12.12.2024 at 3:30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
18 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND21550 (Tender Extension)New | Supply of “Bioruptor Sonication Device, Qty-1 No.” |
29-11-2024 at 3.30 P.M | Under process | Dowload |
19 | Procurement of “Medicines (IND21689 & 21723) | Supply of “Medicines for Rare Genetic Diseases under the National Rare Disease Policy of Government of India
20-12-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
20 | CDFD/PUR/GTE/2024-25/IND2158 | Supply and Installation of “RT PCR Instrument”, Qty - 1 No. |
23-12-2024 at 3:30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
21 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND20798 & IND20799 | Procurement of “Computers and Peripherals”. |
29.12.2024 at 3:30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
22 | CDFD/BIOINFO/IBM/AMC/2024-25/02 | Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of IBM Servers |
12.12.2024 at 4:00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
23 | CDFD/ENGG/ELECT/HVAC/WORKS/2024-2025/02) | CDFD/ENGG/ELECT/HVAC/WORKS/2024-2025/02) |
19-11-2024 at 3:00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
24 | CDFD/PUR/GTE/2024-25/IND21687 | Supply and Installation of “Inverted Trinocular Epifluorescence Microscope with Imaging Capability, Qty - 1 No., Qty - 1 No. |
03-12-2024 at 11.00 A.M. | Under process | Dowload |
25 | CDFD/PUR/GTE/2024-25/IND21589 | Supply of Supply and Installation of “Polymerase Chain Reaction Machine Real Time”, Qty - 1 No |
03-12-2024 at 11.00 A.M | Under process | Dowload |
26 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/OLI/ARC/IND21645 | supply of “Unmodified and Modified Oligos”. |
22-11-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
27 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND21538, 21558 & 21570 | supply of “Refrigerated Table Top Centrifuge, Qty-3 Nos.” |
22-11-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
28 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND21550 | supply of “Bioruptor Sonication Device, Qty-1 No.” |
22-11-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
29 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND20798 & IND20799 | Procurement of “Computers and Peripherals”. |
19-11-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
30 | TENDER# CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND20734, 20911 & 20913 (Tender Extension) | “Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 1.5 TR & 2.0 TR Split ACS - Qty-4 Nos.” |
18-10-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
31 | CDFD/PUR/GTE/2024-25/IND21180 (Tender Extension) | Supply and Installation of “High End Ultrasonography Instrument”, Qty - 1 No. |
18-10-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
32 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND20734, 20911 & 20913 | Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 1.5 TR & 2.0 TR Split ACS - Qty-4 Nos.” |
09-10-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
33 | TENDER # CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND21259 | Supply and Installation of “Automatic Karyotyping System with Motorized Microscope”, Qty - 1 No.” |
18-10-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
34 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND21205 | Supply of Plant Growth Cabinet Model FitoClima 1200 PLH, Qty-1 No.” |
09-10-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
35 | 1234 | New tender |
2024 | Awrd details | Dowload |
36 | CDFD/PUR/GTE/2024-25/IND21180 | Supply and Installation of “High End Ultrasonography Instrument”, Qty - 1 No.” |
30-09-2024 at 3.30 PM | under process | Dowload |
37 | CDFD/PUR/GTE/2024-25/IND20386 (2nd Call) | Supply and Installation of “Protein Purification system”, Qty - 1 No.” |
30-08-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
38 | CDFD/PUR/CHA/2024-25 (2nd Call) | Engagement of Clearing Agent for Customs Clearance of Imported Consignment at Hyderabad” from all eligible firms having valid Customs House Agent (CHA) License in their own name. |
30-08-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
39 | CDFD/ENGG/HVAC/MAINT/TEND/2024-25/01 | Annual Operation and Maintenance of HVAC (Central Plant - Main Laboratory AC Plant, AnimalHouse AC Plant and BSL-3 AC Plant) Systems (Manpower) along with CAMC of 6 NumbersChillers (Main Laboratory AC Plant, Animal House AC Plant) |
Bid End date : 19.08.2024 at 6:00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
40 | CDFD/PUR/GTE/2024-25/IND21015 | Supply and Installation of “Ultra Centrifuge”, Qty - 1 No. |
22-08-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
41 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND20993 | Procurement of “Omics Box Subscription for one year + 5 Million Computational Unit”. |
13-08-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
42 | CDFD/PUR/CHA/2024-25 | Customs clearance of Imported Consignment at Hyderabad |
08-08-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
43 | CDFD/PUR/GTE/2024-25/IND20885 | Supply and Installation of “Multimode Microplate Reader and Fluorimeter”, Qty - 1 No. |
13-08-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
44 | CDFD/PUR/GTE/2024-25/IND20386 | Supply and Installation of “Protein Purification System”, Qty - 1 No. |
13-08-2024 at 3.30 pm | Under process | Dowload |
45 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND20977 | Supply of “Baffle False Ceiling”. |
10-07-2024 at 03.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
46 | CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND20419 | Amazon Web Services, Qty-1 No. |
05-07-2024 at 03.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
47 | CDFD/BIOINFO/DELL/AMC/2024-25/01 | Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Dell Servers |
02-07-2024 at 02:30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
48 | GEM/2024/B/5014499 | Security Manpower Bid againt GEM/2024/B/5014499 |
28-06-2024 at 06:00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
49 | CDFD/PUR/2023-24/IND18830 | CDFD for printing and supply of “ANNUAL REPORTS” |
26.06.2024 at 03.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
50 | CDFD/PUR/2023-24/IND18830 | Endnote Software, Graphpad Prism Software and Biorender Software |
29-05-2024 at 03.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
51 | GEM/2024/B/4880168 | Fast Protein liquid Chromatography system for protein purification (Q3) |
13-05-2024 at 03:50 PM | Under process | Dowload |
52 | GEM/2024/B/4875441 | Operation And Maintenance Of HVAC System (Heating, Ventilation And Air Conditioning System) - Complete System
10-05-2024 at 8:30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
53 | CDFD/PUR/GTE/2023-24/IND19577New | Supply of Micropipette Puller, Qty–1 No. |
23-04-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
54 | GEM/2024/B/467252 | Server for ERP Application against Ind 20004 |
29-03-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
55 | TENDER#CDFD/PUR/2023-24/IND20136 | Supply of “DMEM 500 ml, Qty- 460” |
28-03-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
56 | TENDER#CDFD/PUR/2023-24/IND20139 | Supply RPMI With Glutamine, Qty- 500 |
28-03-2024 at 3.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
57 | GEM/2024/B/4540688 | Supply Installation Testing and Commissioning SITC of 320 kVA DG set with all associated systems and accessories, Base Fame with AVM , Engine Control panel with microprocessor based Controller , Fuel Tank of 990 litre, Batteries terminals cables and external charger, Control cables The distance between DG and control panel is 25 m approximately , Acoustic Enclosure, Silencers bellows etc with cladding as per CPCB norms, Supply laying and termination of control and power cables between DG sets and distribution panels |
17-02-2024 at 1:00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
58 | GEM/2024/B/4480807 | Supply and Installation of Full Body Inhalation Exposure System, Qty–1 No. |
23-02-2024 at 3.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
59 | GEM/2024/B/4480807 | Lab Interior Designing Branding and Furnishing Works |
03-02-2024 at 3:00PM | Under process | Dowload |
60 | GEM/2024/B/4464228 | Upgradation and Revamping of the network |
07-02-2024 16:00 at 4 :00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
61 | CDFD/PUR/2023-24/IND19740 | Supply of Vaccum Concentrator, Qty-1 No. |
19-01-2024 at 3.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
62 | CDFD/PUR/2023-24/IND19578 Tender extension | Supply of “Microforge Machine with Lens Set 50X/100X , Qty-1 No.” |
02-01-2024 at 3.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
63 | CDFD/PUR/2023-24/IND19577 Tender Extension | supply of “Micropipette Puller, Qty-1 No.” |
02-01-2024 at 3.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
64 | CDFD/PUR/2023-24/IND19590 | Stereomicroscope with Boom Stand and Cold Light Source and Vario Front Lens System 0.3x-0.5xFWD 200…100mm (Lab Equipment) |
02-01-2024 at 3.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
65 | PUR/APF/2019-20/IND13233 | Supply and Installation of the Refrigerated Table Top Centrifuge: Qty - 2 Nos. |
10/12/2019 | Under process | Dowload |
66 | PUR/APF/2019-20/IND13129 | Supply and Installation of the Projector: Qty - 2 Nos. |
10/12/2019 | Under process | Dowload |
67 | PUR/APF/2019-20/IND13008 | Supply and Installation of the Nucleic Acid Sample Processing Platform:: Qty - 1 No. |
10/12/2019 | Under process | Dowload |
68 | PUR/APF/2019-20/IND13251 | Supply and Installation of the Long Read Next Generation Sequencer: Qty - 1 No. |
10/12/2019 | Refloated | Dowload |
69 | PUR/APF/2019-20/IND12957 | Supply and Installation of the "High Throughput Electrophoresis Instrumentation: Qty - 1 No. |
10/12/2019 | Refloated | Dowload |
70 | PUR/APF/2019-20/IND13013 | Supply and Installation of the "Benchtop Next Generation Sequencing System: Qty - 1 No." |
10/12/2019 | Refloated | Dowload |
71 | CDFD/PUR/2019-20/IND13186 | Supply and Installation of the Surface Plasmon Resonance Based Biomolecular Interaction System under Buy Back offer for Biacore 3000: Qty - 1 No. |
21/11/2019 | Refloated | Dowload |
72 | CDFD/ENGG/HVAC/Works/2019-20/06 | Providing of 2.0 TR Split Air Conditioners in Guest Rooms (Creation of Guest House), Tower AC Units at Stores & Purchase and Radio Active Facility Laboratory and Site 'B', Uppal. |
20/11/2019 | Under process | Dowload |
73 | CDFD/EST/PCS/2019 | Pest Control Services contract |
18/11/2019 | M/s PCI Pest Control Pvt. Ltd. | Dowload |
74 | CDFD/ENGG/Elect/Works/2019-20/04 | Providing of Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) for condenser water MS Pipe Line for Central AC Plant at Animal House, Site ‘A’, Uppal, Hyderabad(Re-Tender)Dated 20-08-2019 |
6/11/2019 | Under process | Dowload |
75 | PUR/APF/2019-20/IND12898 | Supply and Installation of the "Refrigerated Table Top Centrifuge: Qty – 3 Nos." |
16.10.2019 | Under process | Dowload |
76 | PUR/APF/2019-20/IND12905 | Supply and Installation of the "Thermo Mixer: Qty – 1 No." |
16.10.2019 | Under process | Dowload |
77 | PUR/APF/2019-20/IND12900 | Supply and Installation of the "PCR Machine: Qty – 3 Nos." |
16.10.2019 | Under process | Dowload |
78 | PUR/APF/2019-20/IND12908 | Supply and Installation of the "Fluorimeter: Qty – 1 No." |
16.10.2019 | Under process | Dowload |
79 | PUR/APF/2019-20/IND12920 | Supply and Installation of the "Single Channel Pipettes: Qty – 36 Nos. and Multi Channel Pipettes: Qty – 4 Nos." |
16.10.2019 | Under process | Dowload |
80 | PUR/APF/2019-20/IND12852 | Supply and Installation of "Refrigerated Incubator: Qty – 1 No |
16.10.2019 | Under process | Dowload |
81 | PUR/APF/2019-20/IND12592 | Supply and Installation of the "Non-Refrigerated Table Top Centrifuge: Qty – 1 No" |
16.10.2019 | Under process | Dowload |
82 | PUR/EQP/2019-20/IND12903 | Supply and Installation of the “-20°C Freezer: Qty – 4 Nos |
25-09-2019 | Under process | Dowload |
83 | CDFD/ENGG/civil/works/2019-20/10 | Creation of Office Space for NGC Lab using Aluminium Partition at 4-C Lab Area |
05.08.2019 | Under process | Dowload |
84 | PUR/COM/2019-20/IND12739 | Supply and installation “Server: Qty – 1 No. and Desktop: Qty – 1" |
23.07.2019 at 2.30 PM | under process | Dowload |
85 | PUR/COM/2019-20/IND12640 | Supply and installation of “Desktops: Qty – 6 Nos., Color Laser Printer: Qty – 1 No. and Black & White Printer: Qty – 1 No.” |
23.07.2019 at 2.30 PM | under process | Dowload |
86 | CDFD/PUR/2019-20/IND12674 | 12 Volts, 100Ah - 20 HR Panasonic / Exide / Amaron Quanta make SMF BATTERIES FOR 80kVA UPS SYSTEM AND 65Ah - 20HR Panasonic / Exide / Amaron Quanta make SMF BATTERIES FOR 40kVA UPS SYSTEM |
23.07.2019 at 2.30 PM | under process | Dowload |
87 | PUR/APF/2019-20/IND12738 Revised on 11.07.2019 | Supply and installation of “Hemoglobin Variant Screening: Qty – 1 No.” |
23.07.2019 at 2.30PM | under process | Dowload |
88 | PUR/EQP/2018-19/IND11873 | Supply and installation of “Audio System: Qty – 1 No.” |
18.06.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
89 | PUR/PRT/AR/2019-20/IND12705 | For printing and supply of “ANNUAL REPORTS” |
7.06.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
90 | PUR/APF/2019-20/IND12627 | Supply and installation of “CO2 Incubator: Qty – 2 Nos.” |
7.06.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
91 | PUR/APF/2019-20/IND12599 | Supply and installation of “Benchtop UV Transilluminator: Qty – 2 Nos" |
7.06.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
92 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND12165 | Supply and installation of “Ultra Low Temperature Freezer: Qty – 3 Nos" |
7.06.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
93 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND12353 | “For supply and installation of Bath Sonicator: Qty – 1 No." |
21.05.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
94 | PUR/APF/2017-18/IND11347 | “For supply and installation of Inverted Microscope: Qty – 8 Nos" |
21.05.2019 @ 2.30pm | Under process | Dowload |
95 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND12212 | For supply and installation of Refrigerated Incubator: Qty – 1 No." |
21.05.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
96 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND11742 | “For supply and installation of Table Top Refrigerated Clinical Centrifuge: Qty – 1 No." |
21.05.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
97 | PUR/EQP/2018-19/IND11783 | “For supply and installation of Bacterial Incubator: Qty – 2 Nos." |
21.05.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
98 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND12377 | “For supply and installation of "Floor Model Refrigerated Incubator shaker: Qty -1 No |
21.05.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
99 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND12487 | “For supply and installation of "Liquid Nitrogen Storage Container: Qty 1 No |
21.05.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
100 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND12244 | “For supply and installation of "Semi – Automatic Microtome: Qty – 1 ” |
21.05.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
101 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND12200 | “For supply and installation of "Table Top Orbital Shaker: Qty – 2 Nos ” |
21.05.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
102 | PUR/EQP/2018-19/IND12378 | “For supply and installation of “Vertical Laminar Air Flow Hood: Qty –2 No ” |
21.05.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
103 | CDFD/ADMN/SEC/2019 | For providing Security Watch & Ward Services by Ex-Servicemen Security Guards at CDFD, Uppal, Hyderabad |
18.02.2019 @ 2.00pm | Under process | Dowload |
104 | CDFD/PUR/AP28L4575/2019 | Disposal of the condemned Auto Rickshaw (Three wheeler) on "AS IS WHERE IS" basis. |
24.01.2019 at 1.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
105 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND12194 | Tissue culture grade DNase, RNase free and Biotechnology grade suitable for Biological Research Purpose Chemicals |
25.01.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
106 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND12246 | Supply and installation of “Stand Alone Super Resolution Microscope”: |
30.01.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
107 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND11880 | Supply and installation of “Refrigerated / Cooled Incubator: Qty – 1 No.” CDFD Uppal, Hyderabad. |
25.01.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
108 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND11784 | Supply and installation of" Refrigerated Table Top High Speed Centrifuge : Qty – 2 Nos.” CDFD Uppal, Hyderabad. |
25.01.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
109 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND12165 | Supply and installation of " Ultra Low Temperature Freezer: Qty – 1 No.”, CDFD Uppal, Hyderabad. |
25.01.2019 @ 2.30pm | Under process | Dowload |
110 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND12200 | supply and installation of “Orbital Shaker: Qty – 2 Nos.”, CDFD Uppal, Hyderabad. |
25.01.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
111 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND12212 | Supply and installation of "Refrigerated Incubator: Qty – 1 No.”, CDFD Uppal, Hyderabad. |
25.01.2019 @ 2.30pm | Under process | Dowload |
112 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND12167 | Supply and installation of “Shaking Waterbath: Qty – 1 No.”, CDFD Uppal, Hyderabad. |
25.01.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
113 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND12205 | Supply and installation of “Ultrasonic Probe Sonicator: Qty – 1, CDFD Uppal, Hyderabad. |
25.01.2019 at 2.30 PM | Under process | Dowload |
114 | CDFD/PUR/CANT/2018-19 | For providing Canteen Services at CDFD, Uppal, Hyderabad. |
10.01.2019 at 5.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
115 | PUR/APF/2017-18/IND11347 | Supply and installation of "Inverted Microscope: Qty - 8 Nos. |
10.12.2018 5.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
116 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND12013 | Supply and installation of Chemiluminesence System: Qty - 2Nos. |
10.12.2018 at 5.00 PM | M/s. GE Healthcare Pte Ltd | Dowload |
117 | CDFD/ENGG/Elect/Works/2018-19/26 | Providing MS welded mesh on compound wall of 33kV sub-station with MS arrows for safety of sub-station at site 'A', Uppal campus, Hyderabad |
30.10.2018 at 3:00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
118 | CDFD/ENGG/Elect/Works/2018-19/24 | Providing internal Electrification works (4th Floor 'C' Wing) for CDFD campus at Site 'A' Uppal, Hyderabad |
24.10.2018 at 3.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
119 | PUR/EQP/2018-19/IND11954 | Water Cooler with inbuilt UV 120 ltrs |
24.10.2018 @ 5.00pm | Under process | Dowload |
120 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND11686 | Supply and installation of Microplate Reader: Qty - 1 No. |
24.10.2018 at 5.00 PM | M/s. Bioscreen Instruments Pvt. Ltd. | Dowload |
121 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND11588 | supply and installation of Nano Spectrophotometer: Qty - 2 Nos. |
24.10.2018 at 5.00 PM | M/s. Labindia Analytical Instruments Pvt. Ltd. | Dowload |
122 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND11786 | Supply and installation of Double Beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometer: Qty – 1 No. |
10.10.2018 @ 5.00pm | Under process | Dowload |
123 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND11785 | Supply and installation of Floor Model Incubator Shaker: Qty – 4Nos. |
10.10.2018 at 5.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
124 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND11784 | Supply and installation of Refrigerated Table Top High Speed Centrifuge: Qty – 2 Nos. |
10.10.2018 at 5.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
125 | PUR/EQP/2018-19/IND11783 | Supply and installation of Bacterial Incubator: Qty – 2 Nos. |
10.10.2018 at 5.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
126 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND11665 | Supply and installation of Gradient PCR Machine: Qty – 5 Nos. |
10.10.2018 at 5.00 PM | M/s. Himedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. | Dowload |
127 | PUR/EQP/2018-19/IND11664 | Supply and Installation of the -20°C Freezer: Qty – 4 Nos. |
10.10.2018 at 5.00 PM | M/s. Dolche India | Dowload |
128 | CDFD/ENGG/HVAC/Works/ 2018-19/05 | Providing of 2.0 TR Air Conditioners |
18.09.2018 at 3.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
129 | PUR/CHA/2018 | Engagement of Clearing Agent for Customs Clearance of Imported Consignments at Hyderabad |
25.09.2018 at 5.00 PM | Refloated - PUR/CHA/2019 | Dowload |
130 | CDFD/ENGG/SCRAP/Uppal/2018-19Disposal of Un-serviceable / obsolete / scrap materials | Disposal of Un-serviceable / obsolete / scrap materials |
26.09.2018 at 11.00 AM | Under process | Dowload |
131 | CDFD/ENGG/Elect/Works/2018-19/20 | Supply and Laying of 2Rx3.5Cx400sq.mm. Aluminium Armoured Underground Cable from sub-station (LT panel) to BSL-3 Lab (LT panel) |
11.09.2018 at 3.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
132 | PUR/PRT/AR/2018-19/IND11855 |
10.09.2018 at 2.30 PM | M/s The Print House | Dowload |
133 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND11755 | Supply and Installation ICE MACHINE (FLAKE / CHIP) |
16.08.2018 at 6:00 PM | M/s. BR Biochem Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. | Dowload |
134 | PUR/COM/2017-18/IND11067 | Supply and installation of GPU Workstation |
02.08.2018 at 6.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
135 | PUR/APF/2017-18/IND11348 | Supply and installation of Refrigerated High Speed Floor Model Centrifuge |
02.08.2018 at 6.00 PM | M/s. Thermo Electrom LED Gmbh (M/s Thermo Fisher Scientific India Pvt. Ltd) | Dowload |
136 | PUR/EQP/2017-18/IND11346 |
02.08.2018 at 6.00 PM | M/s. Biolinx India Pvt. Ltd. | Dowload |
137 | PUR/EQP/2018-19/IND11873 | Supply and installation of DLP Projector |
02.08.2018 at 6.00 PM | M/s. Scigenics Biotech Pvt. Ltd. | Dowload |
138 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND11782 | Supply and installation of Floor Model Refrigerated Incubator Shaker |
02.08.2018 at 6.00 PM | M/s. Scigenics Biotech Pvt. Ltd. | Dowload |
139 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND11800 | supply and installation of CO2 Incubator (Water Jacketed) |
02.08.2018 at 6.00 PM | M/s. Thermo Fisher Scientific (Hongkong) Limited (M/s. Genesis Biosolutions) | Dowload |
140 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND11800 | supply and installation of CO2 Incubator (Water Jacketed) |
02.08.2018 at 6.00 PM | M/s. Thermo Fisher Scientific (Hongkong) Limited (M/s. Genesis Biosolutions) | Dowload |
141 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND11814 | Supply and installation of Gel-Documentation System |
02.08.2018 at 6.00 PM | M/s. Eppendorf India Limited | Dowload |
142 | CDFD/ENGG/CIVIL/WORKS/2018-19/14 | Lowering of Ground Level |
23.07.2018 at 3.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
143 | PUR/FUR/2018-19/IND11815 | Supply of Executive High Back Revolving Chairs, Medium Back Revolving Chairs, and Stools with Cushion Top |
02-08-2018 @6.00 PM | M/s. Mansarover Industrial Corporation | Dowload |
144 | PUR/APF/2018-19/IND11766 | supply and installation of Ultrasonic Probe Sonicator |
02.08.2018 at 6.00 PM | M/s Sonic & Materials, Inc, (M/s inkarp Instruments Pvt. Ltd) | Dowload |
145 | PUR/COM/2017-18/IND11067 | Refrigerated High Speed Floor Model Centrifuge |
02-08-2018 @6.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
146 | PUR/EQP/2017-18/IND11346 | Supply and Installation of BIOGICAL SAFETY CABINET |
02-08-2018 at 6.00 PM | Under process | Dowload |
147 | PUR/EQP/2017-18/IND11358 | Supply and installation of Vertical Laminar Air Flow Hood: Qty - 2Nos |
28.05.2018 at 6.00 PM | M/s. Clasinair Systems | Dowload |