Abstracts should be prepared in Times New Roman in the following sequence:
Title (14 font, bold, Sentence case)
Names of authors (12 font, sentence case, Without a dot after abbreviated names)
Affiliations (12 font, sentence case)
Email of corresponding author
Body of the text (12 font, maximum 250 words)
All abbreviations must be spelled out on first use
Scientific names must be italicised
Abstracts are to be text only. Graphs, figures, diagrams, images, etc. must not be included
Abstracts should be thoroughly checked for spelling and grammar
Abstract submission starts on 01 February, 2023, through conference website only
Abstracts submitted in English only will be reviewed
To ensure inclusion of your abstract in the program and abstract book, authors are required to essentially register for the conference and pay full registration fee.
Note- The Scientific Committee will review the abstracts submitted for oral presentation. If the abstract is NOT accepted for oral presentation, it has to be presented as a poster, which will be communicated over email.